日本水產品自給率維持62%日本各類水產品自給率,如國民水產品消費率62%、含魚粉在內的所有水產品53%、各類海藻71%等皆與去年產值相同。儘管國內產量下滑,進出口量縮減,其自給率仍舊持平。日本國內供應國民使用的水產品產量較去年同期下滑66,000公噸;各類鮭魚下滑48,000公噸;日本沙丁魚(pilchard)與日本魷則分保濕面膜別減少41,000公噸37,000公噸。而秋刀魚(saury)、鯖魚(mackerel)與圓鰭鯖魚(atka mackerel)產量則分別增加58,000公噸、57,000公噸與31,000公噸。因阿拉斯加明太鱈魚(Alaska pollack )(冷凍魚漿)與鰻魚(熟食)分別減少32,000公噸與19,000公噸的刺激,導致水產品進口產量減少104,000公噸;而進口的冷凍鯖魚則關鍵字行銷增加24,000公噸。出口則較前年減少135,000公噸,衰退程度可由阿拉斯加明太鱈魚(冷凍)與鯖魚(生鮮與冷凍)分別減少37,000與25,000公噸透出端倪。2008年會計年度的國內消費量較去年同期衰退114,000公噸。至於海藻的國內產量減少12,000公噸。進口與國內消費量分別減少5,000公噸與17,000公噸。國內紫菜產量也減少12,000酒店經紀公噸。海帶(kelp)增加1,000公噸。進口昆布(wakame)則減少3,000公噸。以熱量標準計算的總糧食自給率41%與產值標準65%,分別較去年同期增加與減少一個百分點。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, NO. 19/2009)~~~~~~~~~~~~SELF-SUFFICIENCY RATE OF SEAFOOD REMAINS AT 62%The self-sufficiency ratios of marine 信用卡代償products are as follows: marine foods for human consumption 62%; the overallseafood, including feed, 53%; and seaweed varieties 71%, all of which are at the same values as last year. Domesticproduction has dropped and both import and export quantities also contracted. Yet, there was no 買屋change in the selfsufficiencyrate.The domestic production marine products for human consumption shrank by 66 000 MT year on year. Salmon varietiesdeclined 48 000 MT; Japanese pilchard 41 000 MT and Japanese flying squid 37 000 MT. Production of saury,mackerel and Atka mackerel meanwhile 售屋網increased by 58 000 MT, 57 000 MT and 31 000 MT respectively.On seafood imports, the quantity decreased by 104 000 MT with Alaska pollack (frozen surimi) down 32 000 MT andeel (cooked product) 19 000 MT. In contrast, imports of frozen mackerel increased by 24 000 MT.Exports also declined by 室內裝潢135 000 MT in comparison to the previous year. The following species exhibited significantdrops; Alaska pollack (frozen) down 37 000 MT and mackerel (fresh and frozen) by 25 000 MT.Domestic consumption in FY 2008 registered a decline of 114 000 MT year on year.As for seaweed, the domestic 室內設計production decreased by 12 000 MT. Both imports and domestic consumption dropped by5 000 MT and 17 000 MT respectively. There was a decline of 12 000 MT in the domestic laver production. In contrast,kelp species rose by 1 000 MT. Imports of seaweed, Undaria pinnatifida (wakame) declined by 婚禮佈置3 000 MT.The overall food self-sufficiency rate stands at 41% on a calorie basis with an increase of one percent, and 65% on aproduction value basis, down one point from a year earlier.

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